Saturday, June 10, 2017

Surprising Areas Where Molds May Attack

Water Damage Can Leave Unexpected Areas Moldy


After a water damage issue in a home, molds may grow in areas least expected by the homeowner. (Photo Credits)

The issue with water damage is that it can become a springboard for molds, and these molds can grow even in the most unexpected places.

After a water damage occurrence, it will be wise to have water damage restoration experts thoroughly inspect the places where molds can grow, because only these professionals have a trained eye that could detect mold growth. for instance did not think twice about spilling the beans about molds growing in the dishwasher.

“Unless a dishwasher stops working or needs replacing or servicing, most of us don’t think about it as a potential source for mold. There are two connections under each dishwasher that have the potential for mold and mildew to get started–the water supply and the discharge connection. The water supply needs to be lubricated with the right sealant and properly tightened  periodically. The discharge connection involves a rubber hose and clamp, and installing the hose before the dishwasher is installed ensures it is done properly. Hoses wear out over time. If you’re buying an older house, it doesn’t hurt to check the dishwasher connections — especially if there’s an odd smell when you open the door.”

Check out the whole material here.

Walls and Boards

The website meantime mentioned walls and boards as some of the places where molds can grow unbeknownst to the homeowner, occupants, or property managers. 24Hr Water Damage Restoration San Diego More info here             

“Wallboard located in damp locations is particularly susceptible to mold. Roof and mechanical system leaks, groundwater, floods, condensation: all can soak the wallboard. If it was a one-time event and the water was removed in less than 48 hours with no physical damage to the wallboard, it is possible to allow the material to dry and remain in place. However, if the event has been ongoing, if there is physical damage to the wallboard or if the damage was caused by sewage water, it will be necessary to remove and discard all of the affected wallboard.”

Read more here.

More surprising nooks and crannies

The website House Logic meantime encouraged its readers to check out their respective chimneys as this is a place where molds may lurk without the knowledge.

“Why mold grows there: Brick crevices collect water, dirt, and other organic debris. Rusted chimney caps and faulty flashing lets in rain and snow, encouraging mold to grow. How to wipe it out: First, replace rusted caps and fix flashing. Then, call a chimney sweep to give your chimney a thorough cleaning. A $200-$300 annual visit from a chimney sweep not only removes mold, but also keeps your chimney free of dangerous creosote and helps it operate at peak efficiency.”

Read the continuation of the post here.

The reality is molds may grow anywhere, and could even grow where on least expects it. After a water damage issue in one’s property, the best recourse is to have restoration professionals address all the water damage issues at home.

Roof Leaks and Water Damage

The post Surprising Areas Where Molds May Attack appeared first on 24HR San Diego Water Damage Pro.

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